Beyond the brief: Why Mental Health First Aid is important in marketing agencies - Denfield

Beyond the brief: Why Mental Health First Aid is important in marketing agencies

Denfield designer Katie tells us about her role as a Mental Health First Aider and why she’s passionate about empowering others to change the conversation of mental health in marketing.

At the beginning of March 2023, I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to do a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training course. In the past, I’ve done first aid training, and I was really keen to get involved in Mental Health First Aid and put my naturally empathetic nature to good use. The course made me feel more confident about being able to help where I can.

Now, a colleague and I hold bi-weekly well-being clinics (though, of course, we’re always available during work hours if someone is in need), where everyone is welcome to come and talk to us about whatever’s on their mind.


Why do we think it’s so important?

Mental health is vital in all workplaces, but in fast-paced and deadline-driven marketing agency environments, it’s a critical aspect of our overall well-being. Just like first aid helps support physical health, it’s as important to support our mental health.

Everyone experiences ups and downs in their mental health, and poor mental health can affect us all in the workplace. A Mental Health First Aider is here to offer a non-judgemental listening ear and promote early intervention, where needed, as well as being able to signpost additional sources of support.


Qualities and values of a Mental Health First Aider

  • Approachable
  • Non-judgemental
  • Confidential
  • Empathic
  • Skilled listener
  • Trustworthy
  • Patient


Who needs support?

Anyone and everyone…

Mental health is fluid and can change, just like our physical health, and there’s often no single cause for poor mental well-being. These factors can be constantly changing too.

It’s important to understand that everyone’s truth is different and people can have a lot going on in their lives, both in and out of work.

If your tyre has a puncture, for example, this could be a minor inconvenience for one person. The natural response may be: “What a pain…will you get it fixed later?”

But if this is the last thing in a long line of money worries or anxiety, then the impact will be huge – and of course it will affect your mood and your mental well-being.

We don’t know what is happening in people’s lives and confidentiality plays a big part in this too. There are times when someone may be sharing things that they haven’t shared with anyone else.

People may have a great support system or they may not, but sometimes having a completely impartial person available to listen can be all they need.

So, whatever people are going through, we feel it’s so important to have someone here who will listen and guide them towards some self-help strategies and signpost them to the help of professionals where needed.


Looking after yourself as a Mental Health First Aider

As a Mental Health First Aider, self-care is hugely important, and my training has also taught me great techniques to help keep my own mental well-being in check.

Sharing a passion for supporting the mental well-being of colleagues with others is also a key part of succeeding as a Mental Health First Aider.


Go. Do. You


In addition to my training, we also actively promote and support positive mental health in the workplace with initiatives supported by the Denfield Go. Do. You well-being team (a play on our ‘Go. Do.’ agency ethos) – a group of colleagues from different departments who join me in working to reduce any stigma surrounding mental health and well-being.

Hearing positive feedback from the team – and even potential new recruits who have seen our well-being initiatives online – is extremely rewarding. In an industry that’s stereotyped by winning pitches, urgent briefs and burnout, it’s up to marketing agencies to be the change. And at Denfield, we’re proud to look beyond the brief.

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Zoe Harrison